What have you done and what more can the European Parliament for the environment ?

In a time when it has already started the countdown to the European elections is vital better understand the activities of the Parliament and its future projects on how to influence the vote.
The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) is the largest legislative committee of the European Parliament and one of the most influential, with 71 members throughout this legislature have approved a total of 221 reports and have developed other 139 for other committees of Parliament.
But what they do? Go through issues ranging from regulation toxic to the preservation of biodiversity products in Europe, fighting climate change or linked to public health or food safety issues.
We review some of the initiatives adopted by the Parliament to put a name to their business:
Plastic bags. The goal is a policy meets whereby member states to reduce by 80 % the use of plastic bags by 2019 states will force. To do this, the Parliament requires that supermarkets do not provide free plastic bags. This initiative was approved on first reading and the new Parliament, which is designed after the elections, will have to complete negotiations with the Member States.
Cars that pollute less. 2020 will be the year in which the cars are sold in the EU have to reduce their CO2 emissions up to 95g/km compared to 130g/km for 2015 and producers who exceed this limit will be penalized. Moreover, in the context of this matter, the EP has also adopted a more reliable measurement that reflects the actual emissions in normal driving conditions.
Efficient power consumption. The European Parliament has approved the obligation to execute refurbishment in public buildings, energy saving schemes and energy audits for large companies. Mandatory energy labeling for household appliances is another measure that has been brought forward.
Public health and food safety. In 2011 new rules were adopted to achieve a clear labeling of foods with nutritional information or the source of fresh pork, sheep, goat and poultry indicated.
And focused on the challenges that lie ahead in the new legislature, these depend on the composition resulting from the elections on May 25. Yes, among its key issues that will shape the agenda are the energy and climate goals for 2030, the review of the European emissions trading system or setting maximum levels for emissions of certain pollutants such as small particles unhealthy.
(Source: abc.es)
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