Includes control to fracking, the memorandum of the Tajo-Segura and requires to consider of climate change in the environmental assessment.
The Law 21/2013 of december 9, environmental assessment, which as a whole has been rejected by all opposition groups during parliamentary procedure, which establishes new environmental impact studies should incorporate in their technical description " natural seismic hazard and seismic hazard induced by the project " to avoid cases such as underground storage of natural gas "Castor", located off the coast of Vinaròs (Castellón) and caused more than 300 tremors in the Gulf of Valencia last September.

It also obliges to undergo an environmental impact based projects " boreholes for exploration, research and exploitation of hydrocarbons that require the use of hydraulic fracturing techniques", also known as fracking (uses chemicals to break underground rock in which the gas is trapped).
It also makes it a "very serious " technical administrative offenses such as providing ship to ship or storage of fuel at sea using the permanent anchoring tankers in waters within protected natural areas, known as bunkering (with fines 200,001 to 2 million euros).
The law also regulates the viability of projects (livestock, energy, construction...) according to their environmental impacts, seeks to reduce delays in processing records to between 4 and 6 months, compared to 3 and 4 half years today.
The new Environmental Assessment Act introduces the obligation to take into account climate change in the environmental assessment for the information and techniques that are available at all times to be used.
The law includes the memorandum of the Tajo- Segura, which has already been signed by the Government with the five regions that depend on the Tajo (Castilla -La Mancha, Madrid, Extremadura, Murcia and Valencia), which gives range law the transfer of the Tajo and the Segura water planning culminating Tajo, Júcar and Segura. This document , heavily criticized by the opposition rises to 400 cubic hectometers (for the 240 current) level of water which may be diverted from the headwaters of this river. The agreement also suggests that levels of monthly water transfer is established from the reservoirs in the headwaters of the Tajo (Entrepeñas and Buendia) to the Segura and the Guadiana, with a total annual maximum of 650 cubic are in each water year.
See press release of the Ministry
See BOE's full textpdf
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