Now open the call for LIFE + European projects in order to contribute to sustainable development (until June 25, 2013).

The LIFE + program is the only financial instrument of the European Union dedicated, exclusively, to the environment for the period 2007-2013. Its overall objective is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of Community policy and legislation on environmental matters, including the integration of the environment into other policies, in order to contribute to sustainable development. In particular, LIFE + shall support the implementation of the 6th EAP, including the thematic strategies, and finance measures and projects with European added value in Member States.
The European Commission published in the Official Journal of European Union (2013 / C 47/21) day February 19, 2013 the Call LIFE + 2013. Also published in the Official Gazette the Resolution of February 25, 2013, by the Department, by announcing the deadline for submission of applications for aid projects to be funded by the financial instrument LIFE + Union European in the thematic areas of LIFE + Nature and Biodiversity, LIFE + Environmental Policy and Governance and LIFE + Information and Communication, call 2013 (BOE n º 53, of March 2, 2013).
Main objectives:
Climate change: To stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations at a level that prevents global warming exceeding 2 ° C.
Water: to contribute to the improvement of water quality by developing cost-effective measures to achieve good ecological status in view of developing the first river basin management plan under Directive 2000/60/EC (Water Framework Directive).
Air: To achieve levels of air quality that do not give rise to significant risks or negative effects on human health and the environment.
Floors: protect and ensure the sustainable use of soil by preserving its functions and preventing threats to that as well as reducing the effects of these threats and restoring degraded soils.
Urban environment: To contribute to improving the environmental performance of Europe's urban areas.
Noise: contribute to the development and implementation of policies on environmental noise.
Chemicals: improving environmental protection and health from the risks posed by chemicals by 2020 implement legislation on chemicals, in particular Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 REACH and the Thematic Strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides.
Environment and health: developing the evidence base for policy environment and health (Action Plan on Environment and Health).
Natural resources and waste: To develop and implement policies designed to ensure the sustainable management of natural resources and waste, improving the environmental performance of products, production and sustainable consumption patterns, and prevention, recovery and recycling of waste. To contribute to the effective implementation of the Thematic Strategy on the prevention and recycling of waste.
Forests: provide, especially through a network of EU coordination, a complete and concise information relevant for policy-making on forests in relation to climate change (impact on forest ecosystems, mitigation, effects replacement), biodiversity (baseline information and protected forest areas), forest fires, forest situation and its protective role (water, soil and infrastructure) as well as contributing to the protection of forests against fire.
Innovation: contributing to the development and demonstration of innovative policy approaches, technologies, methods and instruments to support the implementation of the Action Plan for Environmental Technologies (ETAP).
Strategic approaches: promoting effective implementation and enforcement of EU environmental legislation and improve the knowledge base for environmental policy, improve the environmental performance of SMEs.
Applications should be sent through eProposal tool for national authorities of the Member States before June 25, 2013 at 16:00 Brussels time.
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