The Environmental Forum Foundation announces the 2014 Sustainable City Awards to local authorities that have acted toward sustainable development in the last 2 years. (Until 11/07/2014)
Shall be eligible for prizes all municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants and local authorities Supra Spanish State in which they have successfully implemented actions aimed at sustainability the past two years and to present evidence of the existence of a municipal commitment to development sustainable.
In this edition, the awards are organized in the following categories:
The awards jury the power to grant an additional reward for this application to present an innovative performance in any field reserves. While jurors may change jobs category in which this candidate if they feel that the documentation submitted is more suited to a different one of the chosen.
Applicants will have to indicate the category that presents and deliver a specification that includes the following information:
Candidate Data: Name of the City, State, Zip, Number of inhabitants Person responsible for the project.
Memory performance should consider the following points:
All applications received before 23.59 pm on July 11, 2014 will be accepted.
The following aspects are taken into account:
Support activities:
Support activities (group work, meetings, etc.) Maintained between the different actors in the action as local authorities, associations , private companies, academic or research institutions, NGOs, etc. .
Mechanisms for dissemination of results, actions carried out with the media to publicize municipal actions in the field of sustainability.
Definition and monitoring of indicators for monitoring and evaluation of results.
Citizen participation methodologies implemented throughout the process and methodology of incorporating their contributions.
Inter- institutional cooperation , in relation to the actions of sustainable development and transferability of practices employed .
Specific actions:
Shares that have had a significant impact in creating jobs.
Shares referred to specific groups of citizens.
The actions must be submitted completed or be in an advanced stage of implementation . It must be possible to show final or partial results verifiable. No action projects are valued.
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